Battle of the Sexes in Gift Giving: Who Are the Better Gift Givers?

Battle of the Sexes in Gift Giving: Who Are the Better Gift Givers?

Are men or women better at giving gifts? We've all received both amazing and awful gifts from both genders, but which group tends to excel? A recent scientific study aimed to answer this question and the findings might surprise you.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Women excel in gift giving and making choices that align with recipients' preferences across various gifts.

  2. Women's interpersonal interest and genuine care contribute to their ability to select thoughtful gifts.

  3. Hugsi, the ultimate gift-giving tool, supports gift-giving success for all users.

  4. Harness Hugsi's features for personalized recommendations and become a master gift giver, leaving uncertainty behind.

    (Note: The research focused on men and women and did not cover other gender identities.)

According to the study, women came out on top when it comes to gift giving. Regardless of the gender and social proximity between the giver and recipient, women tended to make choices that aligned more closely with the recipients' preferences. This pattern held true across various types of gifts.

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Photo sourced: Canva, Getty Images, Koldunov

The researchers discovered that women, compared to men, exhibit a higher level of "interpersonal interest" and are more likely to take a genuine interest in others and social interactions. Consequently, their ability to connect with others on an emotional level makes them naturally adept at selecting thoughtful gifts.

If you're a man reading this, there's no need to fret! Whether you came across this blog post or are a user of Hugsi, chances are that you possess a high level of interpersonal interest too. Hugsi, designed to foster social connections, attracts users of all genders who genuinely care about showing interest in others.

Regardless of your gender, Hugsi is here to help you achieve gift-giving triumphs. By utilizing the array of tools available on Hugsi, such as your connections' Gift Language scores and wish lists, or the AI-generated gift recommendations provided by Hugsi, you ensure yourself a high probability of selecting the perfect gift.

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Photo sourced: Canva, Getty Images Signature, filadrendron

Discover the battle of the sexes in gift giving and learn who excels in this domain. Harness the power of Hugsi to become a master gift giver, whether you're a man or a woman. Say goodbye to gift-giving uncertainty and embrace the joy of giving the perfect present every time!

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Photo sourced: Canva, Getty Images Signature, Nicola Katie

(Note that this research did not examine other gender identities [e.g., non-binary], which is why they are not discussed in this blog post.)

Happy Gifting!

- The Hugsi Team 🎁

Visit to never receive a bad gift again!


Pollmann, M. M., & van Beest, I. (2013). Women are better at selecting gifts than men. Plos one, 8(12), e81643.